Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions:
What is Whois information?
Whois information is the legally mandated public information that shows the ownership of domain names. Most domain name extensions have a public Whois system that publishes these ownership records.
Every domain name has a public record. It is possible to view the ownership of the domain name on hundreds if not thousands of websites.
Why is Whois information public?
The ownership records of domain names are public for technical reasons, as well as security reasons.
It is similar to public marriage records or land ownership records etc.
Why does Whoisology show my old Whois information?
Whoisology is not a live Whois lookup. We do not check the current whois records when a domain name is searched for on our website.
We are a specialty information security ("InfoSec") site not a traditional whois lookup website.
How can I remove my information from Whoisology?
It is not possible to remove records from the live Whoisology website, but we do enable domain owners to redact their personally identifiable information from the general public and search engines.
To redact your records, please visit this page:
Redact Records
If privacy is a concern, please enable the proxy service at your domain name registrar. While it is possible to redact records from search engines on our site,
whois information is public and displayed on dozens of other sites which do not offer the same ability.
Can Whoisology remove the information from other sites?
Whois records are public information. We have no control over any other site or service. Please do not confuse our website's name for the "Whois" service itself,
doing so would be like taking issue with Kentucky Fried Chicken because you were not happy with the chicken you bought at the grocery store.
How often does Whoisology update the Whois information?
The publicly viewable data on Whoisology is updated approximately 4 times a year.
Information contained in the quarterly updates is from the 3-4 month period before the release. This means,
if a domain name has been recently updated after the whois information was retrieved, changes may not be reflected in the next
update but should be updated in the following update.
Why do I need to create an account to use Whoisology?
The usage of Whoisology is closely monitored. As part of the abuse prevention system, we restrict access to non registered users.
How can I contact Whoisology?
You may email:
[email protected]
Please note, we do not respond to emails regarding data removal. If you have questions regarding data removal, please read the above FAQ.
There is no way to expedite removals, or pay for removals.
User Questions:
How do I research a domain name or email address?
On most pages you will see a search box. This search box will allow you to search the most current database.
How do I run a reverse whois on other Whois fields?
On most pages you will see a search box, click the "Expanded" link under this search box and you will see expanded search options.
You can also click most fields on any domain page to see other domains connected to the specific whois field.
What is the difference between ccTLDs and gTLDs?
ccTLDs are Country Code Top Level Domains. Examples would be .ru for Russia, or .cn for China.
gTLDs are General Top Level Domains. Examples would be .com .net .org .horse
Information on select ccTLDs are available to premium Whoisology members, gTLD information is available to all users.
What are Change Logs?
Change Logs are custom reports that show the differences between the archive you are looking at, and the previous archive.
For example
[email protected] gained 2 new domains and lost 4 compared against the previous archive.
How does the search work?
Our service searches for the specified term and returns the latest data corresponding to the specified search term from our archives.
How to Unsubscribe from a PayPal subscription?
We are unable to cancel any PayPal subscriptions for you. Please follow the steps below to cancel your PayPal subscription:
Log in to your PayPal account at
Click the Settings icon next to "Log out."
Select Payments then Manage pre-approved payments.
Select Whoisology and click Cancel.
Confirm your request to finish the cancellation.
How do I change my credit card or PayPal account?
Unfortunately, in the current version of Whoisology, customers cannot independently change their credit card or PayPal account information. We are working hard to add this option in the next release.
In the meantime, if you need to change your credit card information or PayPal account, please leave a request on
[email protected], and we will get back to you within a day.