Search Engine & Public Data Redaction

Whoisology provides domain owners the ability to redact data from the public Whoisology interface on a domain by domain basis. Web pages on Whoisology associated with redacted domain names will not display the personally identifiable information of the domain holder to non premium members of Whoisology, or search engines.

Please note that domain registrars are contractually required to publish domain name registration information and to make this information available to the general public. Whoisology IS NOT the central database of domain name registration information, and is only displaying information that is already publicly available. Data redacted on Whoisology pages will still appear on other websites like DomainTools, DomainIQ and every other website that provides domain registration information. If security is of concern, many registrars provide domain privacy products to prevent exposure of domain ownership records which are mandated to be public.

To use Whoisology’s redaction process, you will need to complete the below form for each applicable domain name.

Please note, redaction is processed at the domain name level. By redacting the web page for a domain name, secondary web pages on Whoisology, for example phone number or email web pages, will automatically be updated to remove the redacted domain name.

To verify your association with a record, you will need to enter the email address that is listed on the domain name record. An email will be sent to this email that will contain a link you will need to click to complete redaction.

After submitting the form and confirming your email, or if the record has automatically been redacted due to it's age, you may request that Google update their search results by following the instructions on this link:

Google Help
I understand that the personal information on web pages will be redacted from the view of search engines and general public as described above, but the non personally identifiable information connected to the domain such as country, state, city will not be hidden.
* All fields are required.

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