Get access to exhaustive historical WHOIS information about a given domain name that we have been collecting for you since 2008. Everything is in there, including the name of the person or organization who registered a domain name you need to know about, contact details, registrar, and cool details like expiration, last update, and creation dates. There is more too...
We offer an exhaustive and timely analytical WHOIS historical database. You can get our files in formats you will like—MYSQL & CSV. Each entry contains all of the analyzed WHOIS domain data fields that can be easily processed by your applications.
Check the domain name registration and expiry dates, similarities, duplicates or imitators and any other details for general or specific business purposes such us marketing research or brand protection.
Check the historical information of the domain name from the registrar before you go ahead with ownership transfer.
Domain names can be cybercrime clues worth investigating. Use our database to check ownership details and find other domains with shared WHOIS information.
Whoisology supports the following 1246 gTLDs
Whoisology supports the following 1623 ccTLDs
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