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How to Find Out Who Owns a Domain Name By Using the WHOIS Database

Posted on April 5, 2019
Find out who owns a domain name

What Is The WHOIS System

WHOIS is a system that stores and delivers content from a database that can be read in a user-friendly format. WHOIS has information from registered users regarding their domain names, IP addresses, and a host of other things. There is two different ways in which information is stored in WHOIS: in a thick or thin data model. With the thick model, the server stores all the information in the WHOIS database and the thin model of the register domain name is the only thing stored in there.

What is a domain name

Domain Name

A domain name is a personalized internet business name that represents a business or an individual. The domain name has to be no more than 12 words. Domain owners should be aware that domain names could have value and can be worth lots of money if sold. So owning a domain name instantly makes an individual a domain owner. The official definition for domain owners is that they are people or businesses who own a domain name. When registering one, the following information is needed: personal or business name, physical address, email address, phone number, and technical contacts.

How Whois is used

WHOIS is not new to individuals across the business and tech world. Web managers and social media marketing managers are only too familiar with this system. Whois could reveal who is responsible for what IP address or domain name

Whois can be downloaded and it makes it simple to look up a domain name. You log on to the WHOIS website, enter the domain name and click ‘look up’ and get all the information needed for you to know if a domain name is available or not. The information you can expect to find when looking up a domain name is important updates, registrar, and the domains status. A few notable things available are fraud protection and identity trademark infringement. The system is also capable of tracking and/or blocking suspicious content.

About Whois

An internet engineering task force or IETF created WHOIS around 1982. Whois is a group of internet corporations that have special responsibilities and they are accredited to operate domains such as. org and .com. As the internet has grown, so has the responsibility of WHOIS. Outside of keeping domain information, it also keeps records of intellectual property owners and trademarks. WHOIS is a defender against internet crimes such as domain name and intellectual property theft. It also provides information so these types of crime do not occur.

For instance, if you have a business or a brand you should definitely stick with and get an official website. This professionalism can open up many different do’s for yourself and your business. A domain and a website speak eloquently for a business owner. It shows people who you want to do business with you that you are serious and have your priorities straight. Last but not least, always be aware of the value of your domain name because you never know when you might have to sell it.

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