How to Utilize the WHOIS Database Download Most Effectively

While many have heard of the WHOIS database and have at least a rough idea of what the information in it can be used for, only a few understand the true value of the data it contains. In a constantly evolving and growing cyber threat landscape, WHOIS data can be a vital source of information for businesses and others to not only combat online crime but to boost their online marketing efforts with valuable insights.
The WHOIS database has been around since the 1980s and has since been of great help to law enforcement agencies, those who combat cybercrime, brand and trademark infringement and more. Today's WHOIS records enhance online security through verification functions and provide valuable marketing and research insights. There are a number of great database download services providing in-depth information that can be tailored to the user's specific purposes.
What Are WHOIS Database Downloads Used For?
The data in the WHOIS database downloads contains highly useful information on the owner and contact person of every registered domain name along with other details like name server data and more. It can be used by many, from large corporations like Amazon and Apple to small businesses just getting started.
Below are seven practical applications for WHOIS database data.
1. Brand Infringement
Brand Infringement: Today's level of competition can prompt individuals and companies to employ unethical business practices including registering domain names similar to known brands to create confusion and try to siphon away some of that brand's consumers. This particular problem is widespread, with 80% of the C-level executive respondents at Compumark having experienced trademark infringement in the last few years. Potential victims of such tactics can use current WHOIS data to watch out for such situations and use it to contact authorities when necessary.
2. Cybersecurity Enforcement
Cybersecurity Enforcement: More than $600 million was lost in 2017 in the US alone because of compromised personal and business emails. WHOIS data can be a vital tool in the fight against this type of loss. The data can be used to identify not only the perpetrators but any other accounts they use with similar registrant data. The identified malicious actors could then be blocked to improve cybersecurity.
3. Domain Branding
Domain Branding: WHOIS data can help you quickly determine which domains are available when you're trying to register a new one. If the domain was previously registered, you can also access information about its previous owners so you will be well equipped to make a solid decision when acquiring your next domain name.

4. Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement: WHOIS data enables the authorities to gather evidence and better prepare legal cases against entities engaging in malicious online activities. The data can also enable them to find and apprehend the guilty parties faster.
5. Online Fraud
Online Fraud: WHOIS data can be invaluable in helping identify fraudulent situations and preventing huge losses due to online fraud. The information could reveal inconsistencies that might bu due to a potentially fraudulent transaction.
6. Phishing Schemes
Phishing Schemes: The harmful practice of acquiring sensitive information from a person or business by using infected emails and websites is called phishing, and it continues to be a problem globally and affects thousands each year. Armed with WHOIS data, users can determine whether or not an email or website is legitimate before interacting with it. From those records, you can determine how long the business has existed and thus estimate its trustworthiness.
7. Reverse WHOIS Searches
Reverse WHOIS Searches: There are services and tools available that allow you to search for domains by the registrant name, address, phone number, and other details. Such data can be a powerful way to ensure security for your operation and detect and prevent fraud.
The above applications are but a few of the practical uses for WHOIS data. From strengthening a business's security plan to protecting trusted brands, access to quality WHOIS data helps businesses and those combating cybercrime around the world to be even more effective.