Whoisology is a domain name ownership archive with literally billions of searchable and cross referenced domain name whois records.
Our main focus is reverse whois which is used for cyber crime investigation / InfoSec, corporate intelligence, legal research, business development, and for good ol' fashioned poking around.
Sifting through data can be incredibly hardwork. We took time to figure out how we could make massive amounts of legally mandated public data digestible. We've succeeded. Domain name whois lookup data has always been publically available, but now it's actually usable.
We constantly receive emails from people sharing stories of how big data was used in the trenches, it's inspiring. You guys are the ones who are doing the really interesting things. We're just the folks in the backroom stitching your cape and filling the gas in your car, we may or may not be reading comic books at all other times.
We get it. We're a visible example of what has always been available and seeing behind the curtain can be a touch unnerving.
We can't be everything to everyone ... and that's ok.
If you want to lookup the current owner of a domain name we're not what you're looking for. We're also not the folks who can update your whois information. You do that where you bought your domain name! No need to tell us once you update it either, we update all the data on the site at the same time every few months.
We've worked hard to build Whoisology. We want you to look around and use our site. In fact, basic usage of Whoisology is free! We want you to understand what we offer and the real value you can gain by using our reverse whois tools. Have custom needs? Just reach out, we can help.
Thank you for flying (metaphorically) with Whoisology. We know you have very few choices for data like ours, but we still work hard to provide unsurpassable data and user experiences. True, bears and monsters aren't overly 'serious' but our data is serious. Plus cartoons are still better than cliched stock photos (we almost went with women laughing alone with salad.)
Whoisology is totally free to try, but your usage is limited to a small number of results per day. If you register with us for free and sign up to our newsletter, we let you access more pages per day! Sweet, we know.
Register TodayWith a Premium Membership, you can access even MORE pages per day than the free member riff-raff. You will gain access to our advanced and keyword search tools, we will also include complimentary report downloads and discounted downloads! As an extra bonus, there are no advertisements on the site! .
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